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Women write on...

A facilitated therapeutic writing space led by women for women. 

For an hour a week
a space is cleared,

a candle is lit,

a pen is held,.
We give ourselves the gift
of quiet focussed time.
We listen in and wait,
trusting the knowledge

that our insights will emerge

we take the time to connect
and hear the truth of ourselves.

Held by a wide-web of sister-hood
we allow ourselves space to process, to progress

to connect to our own innate resourcefulness 

And feel grounded. 


Session Structure

we write to find insight 


A creative prompt is given 

And we settle into focussed flow, quietly comtemplative we allow things to emerge


We then write uninterrupted

We write to allow ourselves the gift of expression without judging what comes. We trust that growth is occurring as we allow words to flow.


We regroup and reflect

Some women may want to share what they've written. Others may not. 
This is about listening to what feels right for you. Gathering up the insights and weaving them into  

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